So my NY's resolution was to get a job (after being unemployed from quitting my job last February, so almost a year sitting on my ass). But at least I learned something in 2010 a.k.a. the year of being broke. Being on a budget, I learned a few things about saving money by doing things myself. For instance, learning how to cook at home vs. going out to eat. And of course....doing my own nails! This blog has journaled my nail progress from the very beginning; I'm pretty proud of myself. I've saved money instead of going to the nail salons and even made a few bucks from doing my roomate and friends' nails! Anyways, that freeloader train gets off here and now I have a new job and it's only 2 weeks into the new year. I've decided to make a new resolution! I've decided that now that I have a job, I want to continue to update my blog once a week. So here are the designs from my first two days at my new job. The top one is just a basic French tip
: base color, a turqouise frost "Respect The World" Nicole by OPI, with a green-blue chunky glitter on top by Sinful Colors called "Nail Junkie". I added some stickers of white flowers on there and then a buttload of topcoat to seal it. The stickers I rarely use, but can't forget to credit the girl who gave them to my for my birthday last year, my old roommate Allison. Hi Allison! Thanks for the stickers, I got lots of compliments on them! The second set are pink French tips with the base pink called "Pink Promenade Creme" by NYC with a coat of Sally Hansens HD pink-blue shimmer called "LCD" which in my opinion the best shade out of the Sally Hansen HD Collection. And threw in some cute flowers which I painted on with the nail art brushes I got from my girlfriend Harmony! Thanks Harmony! Love the nail are brushes, I feel complete with them in my nail box! While, I'm thanking so many people in this post, I might as well credit the rest of the people that helped make these two nail looks complete:
Thanks to:
Kevin, my love, for buying me Nail Junkie by Sinful Colors (and picking it out! Shh! He's not reading this blog anyways...)
Kirsty, my old roommate (miss you) who gave me the Sally Hansen HD polish last summer
aaaaand Julia, my other ex roommate who gave me the Respect the World by Nicole.
I know this is wordy but just in case anyone that has given me nail stuff and totally supported my obsessive hobby is reading this: Thanks, friends! Thanks for letting me do your nails hella crazy and for looking at mine up to 5x a day, and sometimes late at night! Love you guys, I couldn't have gotten this far without you.
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